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Linked Databases v1.53+

A linked database is a database mentioned in an entry of another database. Such an entry can include database file path, database password, key file path — all the info necessary to open the linked database in one click.

Entry with a linked database
Family database referenced from the personal file

This is particularly useful if you have several databases and store their master keys in a "main" database. For instance, you can store the password for your family-shared database in your personal database.

How this works

Behind the scenes, an entry with a linked database is just a standard entry that has specific data in specific fields:

  • URL should contain a URL, path or file name of a database (including the .kdbx extension)
  • Password should contain a password for opening the database. This field is optional.
  • Username should contain a URL, path or file name of a key file for opening the database. This field is optional.


Password and key file are optional, but at least one of them must be specified.

A few important details:

  • KeePassium recognizes only files that were added to the app.
  • KeePassium recognizes files only by their names, ignoring any path components. That is, whether the URL is /home/path/database.kdbx or http://host:8080/something/database.kdbx, the app would look for database.kdbx among the added databases.
  • When you open a linked database, the current one is closed.
  • When you open a linked database, KeePassium will not remember database credentials (unless you opened the same file manually before).

Compatibility with other apps

Linked databases are compatible with KeePassXC and its automatic database opening feature (which was the inspiration for linking in the first place). Both apps look for file names and passwords in the same entry fields.

  • In KeePassXC, you need to start the URL with kdbx:// and specify the full path where the app will find the database. (For example, kdbx:///home/path/myDatabase.kdbx) When you double-click the URL, KeePassXC will automatically open the linked database.
  • Once you open that entry in KeePassium, the app will verify it has a myDatabase.kdbx in its list and would show a prompt to open the database.
  • KeePassXC opens linked database in a new tab. KeePassium switches to the linked database instead.

Some apps might not recognize linked files, but they will preserve entry fields intact. So you can safely edit your database in any other app — this won't affect database links.