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Search in KeePassium v1.53+


To find what you need, tap the search field at the top of the screen. If there is no search field visible, scroll the screen to the very top.

Search Bar in KeePassium

Enter a few characters and KeePassium will show groups and entries that contain this word. Enter a few words and you'll see all the items that contain ALL these words.

You can open or edit any group or entry in the search results.


Search words are treated as AND conditions. So "work email" means "work AND email"

By default, KeePassium searches everywhere: in titles, in notes, in custom fields, in attachment names (not contents, though), and so on.

Find in Fields

You can narrow down the search to a specific field: fieldName:word or fieldName:"a few words". This will match any item where the given field equals (not contains) the given word or phrase.

Possible field names:

  • Standard group fields: name, notes
  • Standard entry fields: title, username, password, url, notes
  • Any custom field name, such as otp for entries with one-time passwords.

Field values can contain wildcard characters:

  • * means any number of characters.
  • ? means one character.

For example:

  • notes:*database* will find any item that contains word database anywhere in the notes.
  • pin:??34 will find entries with a field pin that can contain 1234, ab34, 0034, etc.
  • username:?oot would find entries with username root, boot, moot, etc.
  • username:alex* would find alex, alexander, alex.smith, etc.

Find by Tags

To find items that contain a specific tag, add tag: in front of the word. For example: tag:personal.

Search Qualifiers

To focus your search on specific kind of items, KeePassium supports a few search qualifiers:

  • is:entry would match only entries, filtering out any groups
  • is:group would match only groups, filtering out any entries
  • is:passkey would find entries containing passkeys v1.54+
  • is:expired would find items beyond their expiry date
  • is:large would find entries that occupy substantial space in the database. (Specifically, where gzip-compressed attachments sum up to over 100 KB in total; this includes attachments in entry's history.) v1.54+

Saved Search Queries

If you frequently use specific search queries, you can save them as Smart Groups.

Search Settings

KeePassium settings contain several options to fine-tune the search across the app. You will find these options in the Search section of app settings.

Start with Search
Whenever you open a database, KeePassium will automatically focus on the search field.
Search in Field Names
Controls whether the app would look for a search word only in field values or also in field names.
Search in Protected Values
Controls whether the app would look in protected fields (such as custom fields with the protection option enabled)
Search in Passwords
Controls whether the app should search in password fields.

See also