What is rent-to-own (perpetual fallback) license?
The rent-to-own license enables you to use some premium features even without an active subscription.
Standard subscriptions work like a rent: you have access only while you pay. Price increase? Support not responding? No development for months? Keep paying or lose access. This is like rolling a stone up a hill: once you stop pushing, it rolls all the way down.

This is unfair.
On the other side, improving and maintaining the app is an ongoing work. Someone has to be on guard every day to answer your email. Someone has to write code to add new features and adapt to new devices. Continuous work requires continuous revenue.
To solve this, KeePassium provides a rent-to-own (perpetual fallback) license. It changes subscription from "rent it" to "buy it every year".
Rent-to-own license
After you have rented the app for a year, you get to own a full year-old version of the app.
In other words, you get a perpetual license for any version which was followed by a 1-year subscription (or 12 consecutive monthly payments). Whenever you renew, your perpetual license extends accordingly. This way, you are protected from stalled development and unjustified price increases.

How it works

With yearly subscription
When you purchase or renew a yearly subscription, you get a perpetual license for the full version available on the payment day. This comes in addition to the classical "rent" subscription: while your subscription is active you have full access to the latest app version.
After your subscription ends:
- You keep full access to the app version that existed at the time of your last payment.
- You lose access to the premium features added after your last payment.
With monthly subscription
You get a perpetual license for any app version that was followed by 12 consecutive monthly payments. The concept is the same as with the yearly subscription, but paid in 12 installments.
After your subscription ends:
- You lose access to the premium features added in the last 12 months.
- You keep full access to the app version that existed 12 months before the end of your subscription.
Questions and answers
What if I subscribe for less than 12 months?
You will get full access to the app while your subscription is active. To get a perpetual license, you need to subscribe for at least 12 months.
Do I get perpetual premium support?
Premium support is available only to active subscribers.
Why the perpetual license does not include the latest version?
This way, customers know which features they would lose if they cancel the subscription. As a result, more people would chose to continue the subscription. With more subscribers, we can keep the subscription rates lower.