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How to restore database from in-app backup

  1. Make backup files visible
    • Go to Databases list (tap < Back if necessary)
    • Tap More and select Show Backup Files
    • Tap MoreSort orderLast Modification Date to see most recent files first.
Database list with backup files
  1. Find the file you want to recover. Normally it would be at the top, with .latest.kdbx in its name.
  2. Export the file
    • Tap … next to this file → ExportSave to Files
    • Rename the file as necessary. In particular, remove the .latest or timestamp from file name.
    • Save the database where you need it (If unsure, save to On My iPhone / KeePassium)
  3. Once you return to database list:
    • Tap More and deselect Show Backup Files
    • Tap Refresh to refresh the list
    • If your restored database did not appear, add it manually: MoreOpen Database

See also