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How to sync using WebDAV

WebDAV is a widely used protocol for remote file storage, especially for self-hosted solutions. Compatible products and services include Nextcloud, Synology, QNAP, MagentaCloud, Surfdrive, Yandex.Disk and many more.

There are two ways to sync KeePassium with your WebDAV server:

Direct WebDAV connection

With this approach, KeePassium behaves as a WebDAV client and communicates with your server directly. This way, KeePassium fully controls data transfer and does not depend on other apps. As a result, direct WebDAV connection is more reliable than integration with the Files app.

To configure a direct WebDAV connection, follow these steps:

  • Go to Databases screen
  • Tap +Connect to ServerWebDAVScreenshot
    • Enter your WebDAV server URL
    • Enter your WebDAV credentials
    • If you use a self-signed certificate, enable Allow Untrusted Certificate
    • Tap Done
  • If everything is entered correctly, KeePassium will show a list of files and folders
  • Navigate to your database and select it

Integration with iOS Files app and third-party apps

You can also sync KeePassium with a WebDAV server integrated in the iOS Files app. This way, you can enforce the separation of concerns where KeePassium has only minimal access to a single file on the server. However, third-party apps struggle to work in background, and therefore sometimes suffer from unreliable synchronization.

  • Install an app that integrates your WebDAV storage with iOS Files app.
  • In that app, add your WebDAV server and enter your credentials
  • Open iOS Files app and make your sync app visible
  • Open KeePassium, go to Databases screen
  • Tap +Open Database
  • Navigate to your database and select it

See also